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Terma & Syarat
Selaras dengan cadangan BDÜ (Persatuan Jurubahasa dan Penterjemah Jerman), terma dan syarat am untuk penterjemah terpakai:
1. Skop terma dan syarat ini
Terma dan syarat am (selepas ini: T&S) terpakai untuk semua transaksi perniagaan dengan pelanggan kami. Dengan pembuatan pesanan, T&S kami diterima oleh pelanggan dan terpakai sepanjang tempoh perhubungan perniagaan, walaupun kami tidak lagi merujuk kepada T&S apabila menerima pesanan individu. Itu juga digunakan untuk transaksi perniagaan masa hadapan. "Pelanggan" bermaksud baik individu mahupun badan berkanun. T&S pelanggan hanya mengikat kami jika telah kami akui secara eksplisit.
2. Skop pesanan terjemahan
Semua terjemahan dibuat dengan teliti selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip amalan profesional yang betul. Pelanggan akn menerima versi terjemahan seperti yang dipersetujui di kontrak.
3. Kewajipan pelanggan untuk bekerjasama dan memberikan maklumat
a) Pelanggan hendaklah memberitahu kami dalam masa yang tepat tentang bentuk terjemahan yang dikehendaki (jumlah muka surat yang akan diterjemahkan, tujuan penggunaan, penghantaran pada pembawa data, jumlah salinan, format terjemahan dll.). Jika terjemahan bertujuan untuk dicetak, pelanggan hendaklah memberikan kami sebagai penterjemah sebuah naskah pembetulan (preprint) dalam masa yang tepat sebelum cetakan akhir sehingga penterjemah boleh membetulkan dokumen tersebut dengan sewajarnya. Semua nama dan nombor perlu disemak oleh pelanggan. Dalam kes pesanan penjurubahahasaan (interpreting), pelanggan diwajibkan untuk memaklumkan kepada kami dalam masa yang tepat tentang jenis penjurubahahasaan (serentak atau berturut-turut) serta tarikh dan tempat acara yang tepat.
(b) Apabila pelanggan membuat pesanan, ia hendaklah memberikan kami maklumat dan dokumen yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan terjemahan yang betul (istilah khas, ilustrasi, jadual, singkatan, istilah khas syarikat tersebut dll.). Dalam kes pesanan penjurubahahasaan (interpreting), pelanggan bertanggungjawab untuk membenarkan jurubahasa membiasakan diri dengan topik untuk penjurubahahasaan yang betul dengan memberikannya bahan lengkap dalam tempoh masa yang munasabah, tetapi selewat-lewatnya 3 hari sebelum acara bermula. Kesilapan dan kelewatan akibat kekurangan atau penyediaan terlewat bahan maklumat dan arahan hendaklah ditanggung oleh pelanggan.
(c) Pelanggan memikul liabiliti atas hak cipta teks dan memastikan bahawa terjemahan boleh dibuat. Pelanggan hendaklah memastikan bahawa kami dilindungi daripada tuntutan yang sepadan oleh pihak ketiga. Syarat ini juga digunakan untuk hak cipta teks di luar Kesatuan Eropah (cth. di Indonesia, Malaysia atau Australia).
4. Pemesanan
Pesanan hanya dapat dianggap telah dibuat apabila telah disahkan secara bertulis oleh kami atau pelanggan. Demi kepentingan kerjasama yang paling laju dan lancar, pelanggan juga boleh membuat pesanan melalui e-mel, secara peribadi atau melalui surat. Pesanan lisan yang dibuat melalui telefon atau secara peribadi memerlukan pengesahan bertulis oleh pelanggan. Salah faham yang disebabkan pemesanan lisan akan ditanggung oleh pelanggan. Rakaman perbualan telefon boleh dirujuk sekiranya berlaku pertikaian.
5. Execution by third parties
We may use the services of qualified third parties for the execution of all services, provided that we consider this to be reasonable and expedient at our discretion. When using qualified third parties, we will ensure that they undertake to maintain confidentiality in accordance with point (13). We shall be fully liable for the choice of the commissioned third parties. The business relationship exists only between us and the client, while contact between the client and the commissioned third party requires our express consent. In the case of orders which may not be carried out by us for legal reasons (e.g. confirmed/certified translations of languages for which we are not appointed), we reserve the right to forward the order to qualified third parties in the interest of the client.
6. Offers and prices
All offers and prices are non-binding. Our offers and quotes are valid for a maximum of 8 weeks. Changes and errors are reserved. Prices are quoted in Euro (EUR), unless another accepted currency such as Australian Dollar (AUD), US Dollar (USD), Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), or Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) has been explicitly agreed upon. All prices are net. In accordance with § 19 UStG (German VAT Act), no VAT is levied.
(a) The prices quoted for translation services are per word or per page in the source language. We charge a minimum rate of EUR 45.00 even if the price per word or page multiplied by the number of words or pages, respectively, would be below this minimum rate. A word in the source language is defined as a meaningful unit separated on the left and right by a space or punctuation mark (or only on the right in the case of a sentence-initial word). A page is defined as a single ISO-standard page. All prices are inclusive of standard shipping cost within Germany. In the case of first orders or orders of large quantity, we may demand a reasonable initial up-front payment of 20%. Express orders must be paid in advance by instant bank transfer or PayPal if a bank transfer would take too long. All additional costs due to client requests, including couriers, express mail, registered mail, etc. will be invoiced separately. Formatting work, proofreading, terminology management, etc. will also be invoiced separately according to the expenditure or prior agreement.
(b) In addition to the time for interpreting and presence at the venue, the time required by the interpreter for return travel to the interpreting venue are remunerated at the hourly rate that applies to the interpreting service. Any hotel and catering costs incurred shall be borne by the client. Unless otherwise agreed, the distance travelled by the interpreter to the venue shall be charged at EUR 0.40/km per direction. The interpreter's place of residence (in this case: 04910 Elsterwerda, Brandenburg, Germany) shall be the place of the start and end of the journey, unless a different place of the start and end of the journey has been agreed upon. Unless otherwise agreed, overtime shall be remunerated with a surcharge of 25%. Partial hours are deemed to be full hours.
(c) The prices quoted for language tuition are defined as prices per lesson of 45 minutes. Unless otherwise agreed, the distance travelled by the language instructor to the venue shall be charged at EUR 0.40/km per direction. Any hotel and catering costs incurred shall be borne by the client. The place of residence of the language teacher (in this case: 04910 Elsterwerda, Brandenburg, Germany) is the place of the start and end of the journey, unless another place of the start and end of the journey has been agreed upon.
7. Terms of payment
Invoices are due without deduction within 14 days of the invoice date, unless other payment terms have been explicitly agreed upon and stated in the order confirmation. In the event of non-compliance with the payment deadline, the debtor shall automatically be in default. The consequences of default shall be governed by the law applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany. We reserve the right to charge the debtor the full amount of any additional costs incurred as a result of a reminder procedure.
In the event of cancellation of an order, we are entitled to charge the client cancellation fees and cancellation fees of up to 100% of the agreed fee. If up-front payment has been agreed, the order will only be processed after receipt of payment. If the payment deadline is exceeded, the usual interest on arrears will be charged.
8. Express orders
For the completion of orders requiring overtime outside regular working hours (evenings, nights, or weekends) or those placed at very short notice, a surcharge of up to 100% may be invoiced. Whether and in what amount such a surcharge is levied will be determined by mutual agreement on a case-by-case basis. However, smaller translation orders can usually be completed within 2-3 working days. Working days are Monday to Friday, not weekends and public holidays. In the case of interpreting, an order placed shall be deemed to be express if the interpreter is given less than 3 days' preparation time in accordance with point (3b).
9. Delivery deadline
We always strive to adhere to agreed delivery dates. For smaller translation orders, the delivery period is usually 2-3 working days. Working days are Monday to Friday, not weekends or public holidays. The difficulty of a text and the required delivery time can only be determined after thorough examination. Delivery counts as having taken place when the translation has been sent to the client. The translator has no influence on the delivery times and delays of Deutsche Post AG.
10. Interruption, force majeure, network and server errors, viruses
Liability for damages caused by force majeure such as natural disasters, power failures, traffic disruptions, traffic-related delays, strikes, network and server errors, other connection or transmission disruptions, death, accidents and other obstacles for which we are not responsible is excluded. In such exceptional cases, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part. If files are delivered to the client by email or other remote transmission such as WhatsApp or Facebook, the client is responsible for the final virus and data check of the data and text files sent. We do not recognise claims for damages in this respect. We are also not liable for damages caused by viruses, trojans, or similar. We endeavour to protect our EDP against such damage by means of appropriate virus and Internet security programmes.
11. Cancellation of orders
Should the client withdraw a translation order already placed in accordance with point (4) without being contractually entitled to do so, he/she undertakes to reimburse the costs incurred up to the time of cancellation and to pay for the work performed up to the time of cancellation. In the event of cancellation of an order already placed, a cancellation fee of 50% of the order value will be charged in any case, irrespective of the progress of the work. For interpreting orders, 50% of the agreed fee will be charged in the event of cancellation within 7 days prior to the start of the interpreting date, or 100% of the agreed fee in the event of cancellation 2 days prior to the start of the interpreting date. Additional costs may be charged.
12. Liability
The translator undertakes to carry out all translation orders in compliance with the prevailing quality standards, in particular in compliance with the quality standard DIN EN 15038. The translator is either certified, authorised by law, sworn-in or has undergone relevant training to be allowed to carry out the respective translations.
Complaints about obvious errors can only be accepted if they are reported to us in writing immediately after the service has been provided or the translation has been handed over; complaints about hidden errors can only be accepted if they are reported to us in writing immediately after their discovery. If the client does not notify us in writing of an obvious or hidden error within 7 days, the translation or service provided shall be deemed accepted and in accordance with the contract. In this case, the client waives all claims to which he may be entitled due to possible erros in the translation or the service provided.
Should the client notify us of an objectively existing error within the stated periods, we reserve the right to rectify it. The claim for rectification must be asserted by the client with precise specification of the error. If a rectification is demonstrably unsuccessful, the client has the right to a reduction. Other claims, including claims for compensation due to non-performance, are excluded. Liability is limited to the value of the respective order. We shall only be held liable in cases of gross negligence and intent. Damage caused by computer failures and transmission faults during email delivery or by viruses shall not be classified as gross negligence. We take precautions against such damage by means of anti-virus software. Liability in the event of slight negligence shall apply exclusively in the event of a breach of primary obligations.
13. Confidentiality
We undertake to maintain confidentiality about all facts that become known to us in connection with an activity performed for the client. In the case of electronic transmission of data and texts between us and the client, we cannot guarantee absolute protection of business and information secrets and other confidential information, as we cannot rule out the possibility of unauthorised third parties accessing the transmitted data. The obligation to maintain confidentiality continues to exist even after termination of the cooperation.
14. Delay in delivery and withdrawal
The client is only entitled to withdraw from the contract if we exceed the delivery deadline by an unreasonably long time and still do not meet the deadline of a reasonable grace period granted by the client in writing.
15. Assignment of rights
The assignment of rights under an existing contract by the client requires our written consent.
16. Reservation of ownership
The translation remains our own until full payment has been made. Until then, the client has no right of use of the translation. We reserve any copyright that may have arisen.
17. Data protection
To protect personal and company-specific data and documents, we adhere very strictly to all legal data protection regulations. The data provided is used exclusively for the purpose required. If clients provide us with data about themselves or their company, they automatically consent to us storing and using the data in accordance with the data protection law. However, we never sell our clients' data nor pass it on to third parties. Further information on the data protection regulations applicable in Germany can be found here (in German).
18. Publication of translations
The client must notify us in advance if our translations are to be published. After publication, a specimen copy must be sent to us. For any publication of translations made by us, the disclaimer of liability stated under point (12) shall apply. Certified/sworn translations may never be published and are intended exclusively for submission to a government authority.
19. Shipping and transmission
The electronic transmission or shipping of data is at the risk of the client. We are not liable for faulty or harmful transmission of texts or for their loss as well as for their damage or loss by non-electronic means of transport.
20. Governing law
The governing law for orders and all claims arising therefrom is the German law. The place of performance is our place of residence or the registered office of our company. The place of jurisdiction is the place of performance. The contractual language is German.
21. Severability clauses
If any provision of these GTC is held unenforceable in a judicial proceeding, such provision shall be severed, and the remainder of the GTC shall remain operative and binding on the parties. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision which comes as close as possible to the economic result or the legal and economic purpose.
22. Amendments and additions
Amendments and additions to these GTC are only valid if they have been made in writing. This also applies to the amendment of the required written form itself.